Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Arrange A Fashion Show

What is fashion?

Fashion is everything. Fashion is how you think, how you walk, how you dress up, how you speak, in short, whatever you do is fashion. So fashion is not niche not represent a specific category. It’s a vast field. Here we are going to just discuss the dresses fashion show.

Select the theme of the fashion show

The first thing is keep in mind your dresses style and coloring and then decide the theme of your fashion show. Whether it is dark or cool then how the models move on the ramp. E.g. if the dresses are formal then models should walk slowly with some attitude.

Secondly if the dresses are causal then the model walks bit fast and have smile on the faces.

Music is a key element in fashion show

When you are arranging a fashion show then must choose the best music according to your dresses and the theme. Mostly two versions used English songs or music and second are Arabic music or songs.

Lighting gives blood in the fashion show

Lighting plays a major role in making the fashion show successful. Where I think so, lights must be move according to the music. When the music is fast the lights movement must be fast and when music is slow lights movement must be slow.

Now let’s talk about the color of the lights. Well mostly the white light used in the fashion shows it is because the dresses originally can be judge easily instead of yellow lights on show.

Select the best location for your fashion show

In order to make fashion show successful and capturing the visibility you must select a best place for your fashion show. You must choose the big city like New York, London, and Paris etc, where you get the desired audience easily.

Selection of the models

This is most expensive category in the fashion show and your audience and success mostly depends upon your selection of the model. So higher a best and famous model who will be the show stopper of your show and other models can be “B” category worked for you.

Summer Dresses Style

Dresses make your personality appealing and gorgeous. So for every season you need different dresses. Every year thousand of designers from different countries circulate their dresses in the market. We can not buy every designer best dress although we like many dresses of many designers.
Here we mention some tips about the summer dresses. How to select a perfect summer dress? Just read this!

Choose the one designer only

Well you may buy dresses from different designers or wear dresses of different brands. But it recommended buying from one designer or brand. It’s because dresses are not important in making your personality dashing. Fitting is the thing which make your personality fascinating whether you wear a normal dress.

So select one brand or designer who's fitting fit for your body. You will definitely win the fashion and style game.

Select a cool color for your summer dress

Color selection is very important. So select a cool color for your summer dress. Colors like sky blue, baby pink, sea green, light yellow and white color. These colors dresses hit in the summer season.

Select the size of your dress

In the summer season you should not select too long nor too short summer dress. What you have to do is select a dress which perfectly falls on your shoulders and length should be near knees. It will look nice in the summer season. You can also use this dress in the summer parties.

Selection of the print in summer dress

In the summer do not go for big prints. They look odd and never give a cool glance. so go for small prints or you can also go for the shirt which have straight lines on it.

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How To Decor The New Dress Shop

Having the best out of best dresses according to the taste of the target customers arrive at your shop is a key element in the success of your dress shop. But one more thing which attracts the customer to make purchase is how you decor your shop and how you categories the different section of the dresses.

So here we are giving you 7 tips

How to decor your dress shop.

Outlook of the shop

What you have to do first, take a paper and pencil and draw the outlook of your shop. If you have financed then hire the services of the architecture.

Advice: Make your dress shop look bit passionate and appealing. Place red tiles on the front wall and give the yellow lighting effect. You will definitely catch the attention of the customer from 100 meter distance.

Selection of the music

Music is necessary in your dress shop. So play soft songs in your shop. Use the best quality sound system which should give a soft sound. And play the music in a low volume. High volume does not give a pleasant blow on the customer

Fragrance in the shop

Fragrance is must in the shop. When the customer enters in your shop a stunning smell forces the customer to stay more in the shop. More time in the shop means more sales.

Categories the dresses

Dresses are not of one type. So you must categories the dresses. Like there should be mentioned on each category that prom dresses, frocks, jeans, shirts, skirts, and under garments etc.

Hang the dresses

To give the full look of the dresses to your customer you must hang the dresses instead of folding the dresses and putting on the shelves.

Lighting on the dresses

There is need of lights at two places. One on the shelves and second at the back ground where you hang your dresses. It gives the delightful appeal to your dresses.

Tip. Use only the yellow lights for back ground and for your shelves.

Big mirrors in the shop

There is need of big size mirrors in the shop. Mirrors must be place between the different categories. So that, customer pick the dress and check it in the mirror how it look like on him or her.